Name Language
- Online library management system VB.NET
- Student registration system VB.NET
- Call center execution VB.NET
- Inventory system C#
- Requirement system C#
- School management C#
- Secured file VB.NET
- Shoping cart VB6.0
- Speak english VB6.0
- Payroll VB6.0
- Railf VB6.0
- Hotel reservation and bilig system VB6.0
- Call center management VB6.0
- E-biling and invice system VB6.0
- Hotel reservation booking system VB6.0
- Restorent bar management VB6.0
- Blod Bank Managment VB 6.0
- Medical Store mangemrnt VB6.0
- Online Lbrary Management System VB.NET
- Online Course Registration System VB.NET
- Inventory management VB.NET
- Aireline Reservation VB.NET
- Office Management VB 6.0
- Hospital Managment VB.NET,VB6.0,C#
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